Wudalianchi UNESCO Global Geopark planned well ahead of time and made every effort to prepare for the revalidationRelease date:2021-03-10

In 2004, Wudalianchi was approved as one of the first group of the UNESCO Global geoparks. According to the requirement of the Executive Board of the UNESCO Global Geopark Network, the revalidation should be conducted every four years. Wudalianchi UNESCO Global Geopark will face its 5th revalidation in 2022. Accordingly, Wudalianchi UNESCO Global Geopark attached great importance to it and made plans well ahead of time. Recently, in accordance with the preparatory work plan for the revalidation, the relevant departments have rapidly engaged into work and spared no effort to carry out the preparatory work for the revalidation.

To ensure the smooth passing of the revalidation, a leading team for the revalidation of the Global Geopark was formed with Liu Yang, the Director of the Administrative Committee of the Wudalianchi UNESCO Global Geopark as the leader and the team members as the Deputy team leaders. In the meantime, thirteen outstanding cadres from relevant departments who are familiar with the revalidation work were selected to the team as well. On the morning of March 9, Niu Mingguang, the Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee, hosted the first meeting with the team members to reach common understanding, sort out the work strategy, make scientific plan and deploy carefully of the preliminary work of the revalidation.

Niu Mingguang pointed out that the revalidation work is closely related to the image and reputation of Wudalianchi. It is an important work to comprehensively verify Wudalianchi's achievements in the protection, construction and management of the Geopark, the promotion of sustainable development of regional economy, and the enhancement of international brand influence in the past four years.

Niu Mingguang stressed that the acquisition and continuation of each global honor that Wudalianchi UNESCO Global Geopark has achieved is related to its popularity and reputation, and carries the efforts of the Communist Party members of Wudalianchi. These honors not only belong to Wudalianchi, but also belong to Heilongjiang Province and even the country. In order to smoothly pass the revalidation in 2022, all relevant departments and units shall comprehensively improve the cognition on the importance of the revalidation work, effectively enhance the sense of responsibility, make full efforts through cooperation and close collaboration, integrate the duties and the revalidation work, and spare no effort to do a good job in the preparation of the revalidation.

The participants primarily discussed the planning process of the preliminary preparation work, the difficulties to overcome and the division of tasks.

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